Mental Health Conversations

Calm Team Calm Collective Calm Team Calm Collective

Breaking the cycle of generational trauma

Generational trauma happens when parents pass their trauma to their children, affecting multiple generations emotionally. If these family patterns aren't changed, they continue to persist.

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Workplace Well-being, Thrive Team Calm Collective Workplace Well-being, Thrive Team Calm Collective

Coping with change and uncertainty

Change is the only constant. As we take our stride into this post-pandemic world, we are witnessing changes in our lives once again. Travel, social gatherings and return to the office are back in full force. However, we are also experiencing layoffs and rising costs. Amidst all these uncertainties, it’s easy to feel like we’ve lost our sense of control and direction.

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Thrive Team Calm Collective Thrive Team Calm Collective

How to change your mindset to improve financial well-being

Money can buy happiness – but only if we’ve defined happiness for ourselves. Understanding what we value in life and why/how we value them helps our financial well-being: for when we have our 'why', the 'how' falls into place. This panel will explore how financial literacy goes beyond accumulating wealth, and why emotions are inherently linked to how we use our money.

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Thrive Team Calm Collective Thrive Team Calm Collective

Change your self-talk, change your life

The stories we tell ourselves have a tendency to shape our lives. But what if we could change the trajectory of our lives by reframing our core narratives about ourselves?

In this panel, we will learn the importance of self-talk, how to shed outdated beliefs about ourselves, and why it's never too late to change your life.

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Calm Team Calm Collective Calm Team Calm Collective

Unpacking mental health myths

"People with mental health conditions are unable to perform professionally. Therapy is for people whose lives are falling apart. Struggling with mental health issues means you are weak."

Despite increased mental health awareness, such statements remain all too common. How can we foster a culture of deeper mental health literacy? And why should such literacy be a company's imperative?

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Thrive Team Calm Collective Thrive Team Calm Collective

How to make sleep your superpower

We know how important good sleep is for our health. Yet, four out of every five people suffer from sleep problems at least once a week. This session discusses the science of sleep and strategies we can learn to become more successful sleepers.

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Workplace Well-being Team Calm Collective Workplace Well-being Team Calm Collective

How to practice self-care

Living through the pandemic has taught us to engage more thoughtfully in our own care to help us live well. Yet, many find it difficult to consistently prioritise self-care. Join us for a discussion on the importance of self-care, why we struggle to practice it, and learn tips to restore your day-to-day energy reserves and live your best life.

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Workplace Well-being Team Calm Collective Workplace Well-being Team Calm Collective

How to lead with compassion

Over the past two years, leaders have taken on a big emotional burden: helping teams recover from the grief of the pandemic, supporting the declining mental health of their employees, and being sensitive to people’s anxieties. In this talk, we'll explore how practising compassion enables leaders to advocate for their teams, humanise the workplace, and lead organisations more effectively.

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Thrive Team Calm Collective Thrive Team Calm Collective

Unpacking the "Overachieving Asian"

‘Asians are so hardworking’, ‘Asian parents are super strict’, ‘Asian kids are always top of the class’ - These stereotypes are known everywhere in the world, thanks to the reverberating success of Asians on the global stage. But this success has led to damaging consequences which aren’t going away — Asians across the globe report higher levels of stress, burnout and depression.

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